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Leo Rosa

Leo has been involved with spots since a teenager. Growing up in Brazil, he gravitated towards Mixed Martial Arts (Jiu Jitsu) for 8 years before eventually moving to the US.  Once here, he stayed active as a strength and conditioning athlete and coach. Leo started coaching CrossFit in Miami back in 2014 and obtaining his certifications of CrossFit Level 1 and 2; USAW (weightlifting) Level 1.

After coaching CrossFit, Leo found his passion with coaching teenage athletes and developing athletic potential with teens pursuing a future in sports. Leo worked with wrestlers, football players and track & field athletes for 2 years.  After moving to Virginia, he worked for a gym that the main demographic was former and active Military and first responders. Leo developed their programming and trained these athletes in a way to make them more functional and ready for their jobs. Leo had a lot of contact with adaptive athletes that needed special attention and different training styles; all of which helped him have more tools and a different perspective on "fitness" from traditional coaches.

Leo is currently a Firefighter/EMT-B and is elevating the Forge Team with his unique background and unparalleled experience.

Coach / Leo Rosa

